[外文游泳文献] Breaststroke and Butterfly Turn『蛙泳以及蝶泳的转身』

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-1 21:28:26
9097 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the May-June 2003 issue of Splash, in which Charlie Yourd of the Bloomington-Normal YMCA offers some tips on breaststroke and butterfly turns. Yourd was named Illinois Age Group Coach of the Year in 2002.
本周的Speedo小贴示出自Splash杂志2003年的五六月份刊号。在这期杂志中来自Bloomington-Normal(地名)基督教青年会(YMCA The Young Men's Christian Association )查理·约尔德为大家提供了一些关于蛙泳蝶泳转身的小窍门儿。约尔德(Yourd)曾于2002年被提名为依利诺州(Illinois 美国的一个州)年度最佳年龄组教练。

Yourd’s Tip:
Hit the wall on a full stroke at arm’s length. Avoid gliding in too far or hitting the wall on a short stroke with your arms bent.

The instant you touch the wall – or even an instant before – tuck your knees into your chest, and change direction by leading with your head and elbows going straight back. “Turning your head and body around to the side is the slow way to go,” Yourd said. Also, the tighter you can tuck your knees, the faster you will be able to change direction.

Streamline, and begin your dolphin kick (for butterfly) or your breaststroke pullout right before you begin to lose any speed from your push-off. “On the breaststroke pullout, frequently swimmers rush and do it too soon,” Yourd said. “You need to make the most of your timing and speed off the wall.” If you’re doing butterfly, make sure you do smaller, faster kicks from the push-off (just like off the dive) before settling into your regular rhythm. This will help keep your body in a streamlined position.
·(保持)流线体位,并在身体开始减缓蹬壁加速速度之前开始打蝶泳腿(dolphin kick for butterfly)或者开始做蛙泳的大划臂动作(breaststroke pull-off)。“在做蛙泳大划臂的时,游泳运动员常常过于着急,做得太早,”约尔德(Yourd)说,“你(游泳的人)应该尽量掌握好时机、借助蹬壁加速的作用力。”如果你在游蝶泳的话,则应该在蹬壁后做幅度小而且频率高的打腿动作(就像开始潜水一样),这样持续到你的身体进入你正常的蝶泳节奏。这样做会有助你保持流线体位。

 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-1 21:28:43
For the butterfly, break out from the turn the same way you would off the start. No breathing on the first stroke. “This helps set up your body position and gets your body in rhythm with your stroke,” Yourd said. “If you breathe on the first stroke, your body will sink.” For the breaststroke, make sure you kick on the breakout stroke so you explode to the surface of the water.
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