[高阶泳者] 给初学游泳的泳者的10个良好建议

小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-28 21:53:04
16203 8
Swimming Better To Do List - 10 Better Swimming Tips for Swimmers
Swimmers To Do List - Improve Your Swimming

There are many things that swimmers can do to swim better. This to do list of 10 ways to better swimming could help any swimmer improve their swimming. Get this to do list done and swim on!

1.Do swim frequently(经常游泳)
If you don't average about three swims a week you will lose your feel for the water and your technique will begin to deteriorate. No feel, no technique, no speed. If the option is between one or two long workouts or three or four shorter workouts, swimmers seem to do better when they swim more frequently as opposed to only doing a few longer workouts each week.(如果你不能平均每周大概游三次泳,你将失去你的水感,同时你的技术也将开始退化。没有感觉、没有技术、没有速度。如果选项是一次或两次长时间(距离或时间)锻炼,或者三次亦或四次短时间(距离或时间)锻炼(4个选项之间选一),相对于每周仅仅只作一些很少的较长时间(距离或时间)锻炼泳者,那些经常游泳的人似乎作得更好。)

2.Do swim with good technique(要用良好的技术去游泳)
Maintain the best possible technique at all speeds during a workout. If you try to go fast with bad technique, you are wasting energy. If you can teach yourself to go fast while using good technique, you will make bigger gains.

3.Do drills as part of every swimming workout(把分解练习当作每次游泳锻炼的一部分)
Early in your workout, in the middle of your workout, or at the end of your workout (or any combination of the three!) do some specific technique work to reinforce good swimming skills. There are many drills you can do to stay tuned up, or to help you develop better technique. (在你锻炼的开头,中间,结束部分(或者三个的任意组合),做一些特定的技术练习以加强良好的游泳技巧,有许多分解单项练习你可以做为调整,或者帮助你开发更好的技术)

4.Do challenging workouts(进行挑战性的锻炼)
One or two times a week (depending upon how frequently you swim) do part of your workout with oomph - push the effort, go hard, whatever you want to call it. If all of your workouts are focused on technique, your technique will improve. But what will happen when you try to go faster? You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day. If you are doing some hard or challenging workouts - mixed in with technique work - as different workouts or as part of the same workout - you will learn how to hold good technique while going faster.

5.Do easy workouts(做一些容易的训练练习)
Depending upon your swimming goals, there may be no reason to do more than one or two tough workout sets a week, as long as you do one or two easier workouts, too. Work hard on the hard things, and easy on the easy things, and each kind of work will give better results.

6 Do streamlines(做流线直体练习)
It might be a start, a push-off, or a turn, but you should always do things the same way - streamline, then into the transition between the streamline and swimming. But first, always a streamline.

7Do leave the wall the same way every time(每次都用同样的方式蹬离池壁)
Always push off the walls the way you would if you were coming out of a turn. When you starting a set, you should push off the wall exactly the same way that you would be pushing off the wall if you were coming out of a turn. Most races have more turns than starts, and getting some extra practice with any part of a turn is a bonus.

8 Do wear a swimsuit made for competitive swimming(穿一件为竞技游泳而制造的泳衣)
This doesn't mean spend $300 on the latest and greatest high-tech slicker than skin piece of swim wear. It means don't wear baggy beach shorts if you are trying to improve your technique or go learn how to hold technique when going faster. There are times to wear a swimsuit that gives you some extra drag, but not before you have mastered good technique.

9 Do ask someone to watch you swim(请求别人观察你游泳)
Better yet, get someone to video you. Getting some eyes to watch what you do (or using your own via a video review) while you are moving through the pool can yield some great feedback on your swimming technique that you may have not realized.

10 Do use flippers occasionally(偶尔使用脚蹼)
Among other benefits, swim fins or flippers can help you achieve (artificially) a better body position and you will learn what that position feels like while moving. Then, when the flippers are off, you can try to recreate that position by feel, since you will already have a better idea what it will feel like when you get there.

 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-28 21:53:35
[悠游原创] XmUswim悠游游泳课堂系列视频-(更新09.3.8)
http://www.xmuswim.com/forum.php ... 02&fromuid=9941
子非 发表于 2011-7-9 21:19:07
察影观色 发表于 2011-8-11 20:58:36
abang 发表于 2011-8-11 21:36:21
武汉拈花一笑 发表于 2011-8-16 12:18:31
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-8-31 13:36:31
武汉拈花一笑 发表于 2011-8-16 12:18

武汉拈花一笑 发表于 2011-8-31 14:33:57
小臭贝 发表于 2011-8-31 13:36

你们都如此会游,拥抱一个! 拥抱.gif
misskiss 发表于 2011-9-12 20:40:37
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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